Alchemist's Monopoly
A game about using alchemy to earn more money than you can dream of. Discover new items and sell them at ridiculous perfectly fair prices.
Tip: You can hold down the mining button to automatically click 10 times/s.
Development log
- Alchemist's Monopoly New VersionFeb 17, 2023
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Interesting game. Balancing is ok, but QoL needs some work. I think it's good enough for a jam game.
I have encountered 2 problems when playing:
1. Different units of cash cause confusion
This game switches between 2 units of cash: 1$=100c
This caused some confusion for me when starting. It soon becomes irrelevant when I have more money.
2. Switching of bulk buy
This game have multiple tiers of items, and need to be crafted in different amounts. Fortunately, the game has percentage ratio for bulk buy. However, this also has problems: 10% is too small, and max all is too big for some items.
I think a 50% option should be good enough.
I even once accidentally used up all my phliosopher stones with a misclick at buy max. This caused my progress to slow down a lot, especially since the phliosopher stone is a static layer, and I can't easily earn it back. Without the upgrades I was supposed to buy, it's tedious for me to grind back to the spot where I could earn more prestige points. This caused a lot of frustruation for me.
I think the 50% is still useful for this case: have it spend at most 50% of prestige points when buying multiple levels. This will be convenient, and also without the problem of misclick.
love the purple clove in dark mode
im just starting and its fun how dark mode looks to me
Nice idle game, with hidden elements that unlock over time. The UI also looks pretty clean.
So much clicking...
Edit: I got to a point where the max button stops working for some reason, hence all of the clicking at 10%
It is floating point imprecision, that caused the buy max cost to be higher than your money, while it should be lower. Float numbers are not very good for incremental games.
Games should either avoid designs sensitive to float imprecision, or use some custom notations instead.
But this is just a jam game, so there is no time to consider this kind of thing.
you might look into how libraries like break_eternity.js work, since those are extensions of floating point numbers (that do things like make the exponent itself a double to expand the limit). It *is* also possible to do some extra math to recognize the disparity and correct for it, but certainly not something worth doing in a jam game :P
Just broke through the final checkpoint. A little brain numbing towards the end.
Not bad. Has a bit a clunky UI traversal problem in that you have to constantly swing your mouse back and forth between the very top of the screen and the very bottom, but the concept is quite interesting and well executed for the time constraints.
I enjoyed this game a lot! The end was a bit anticlimactic, but considering this is a jam game I'm not too disappointing. Overall, the progression was fun and satisfying.
Well I managed to "beat" the game aka it soft locked after I found the loop and got past e300(or 308). Like most people were saying, the decimal of a cent did confuse people but after a while it made sense(cents haha). Also the last few checkpoints didn't do anything, and the magic potion didn't require souls even before 10k, and the CureAll is pointless by the time you get to it, but otherwise I definitely had fun. I also enjoyed the drip-content style as opposed to the wall-of-text or 80 buttons that other games had. If this does continue to develop, I will watch your career with great interest.
Spent 3hrs on this, had a lot of fun, even though the game was really slow in early game it was still pretty interresting to continue ! Congrats and hope for the best !
The currency switch at the beginning of the game is a bit odd to read. also since for how money is normally written dollar sign first $5 . and cents at the end. 50c for example which is a big reason for why many folks seem to be confused at the start. otherwise seems like a pretty decent game, would be nice to see some descriptions on the diminishing return items to see their scaling equations.
100% agree that showing more stats would be better
Okay, the last progress before hitting e300 needed didn't seem to unlock anything? Making the cureall potion didn't 'beat the game' and selling it only didn't even put a dent in the e300. I'm guessing this is the 'you beat the game' point
Is soul potion supposed to take souls?
if you sell rocks fast enough you go into minus rocks
I’m not quite sure why, but I don't think the wood cutter is displaying the right price. It's saying it's only .13 but I have over $5 and it won't let me buy:

Also, it's saying to get $2 up at the top but I've sold a pick for $5 and it only pushed the bar over a little

Both of your confusions are regarding dollars vs cents. It would be nice if all the units were in dollars, but some of them are in cents. If you're not familiar with cents, they are worth 1/100 of a dollar.
It's the font that's messing with me. I've played a bit more and I think I've kinda got an idea.
because that costs 0.13 dollars (which is 13 cents) and you have 5 cents
This confused me initially too, took me a minute to understand when I ran into it because I didn't anticipate fractional cent pricing and the symbols did look similar, my brain just accepted it as "money symbol."
Really small thing overall, but I think I would've understood it faster if they'd said "1.56¢" and "$0.13" (the conventional way to place these symbols)
I'm glad that I wasn't the only one that it messed with. That was my exact line of thinking.
The font didn't help either, with the periods looking like commas
You can also change the font in the settings menu. I changed mine to help with thi
That's neat! I guess I didn't explore the menu enough to see that option.
Thank you for the information